Today I came across an issue when trying to import or install modules in PowerShell. I started off with the following error:
“The ‘Install-Module’ command was found in the module ‘PowerShellGet’, but the module could not be loaded. For more information, run ‘Import-Module PowerShellGet’.”

So I tried to run Import-Module PowerShellGet which returned this error:
“The cloud file provider is not running.”

Upon investigation a lot of people were getting this error related to OneDrive when trying to open certain files.
I came across a forum post where someone checked their PSModule path variable by running $env:PSModulePath in PowerShell. In my case, I spotted an error in the first path, which pointed to my OneDrive library but in an old company name before we were rebranded (redacted in my screenshot).

To resolve the issue I searched the registry for records containing “OneDrive – xxxx Ltd” (the old company name in my case) and changed those paths to point to the new folder name. I then closed and reopened PowerShell and was able to install the Exchange Online management module I was trying to install initially!
NOTE: As always please ensure that you back up your registry and only change the registry if you understand what you are doing. Change registry entries at your own risk.